How to use:
These new Silicon anode based batteries can be charged just like a LiPo or LiIon, to 4.2V/cell. We recommend landing at 2.7V per cell, or 16.2V for this pack.
Lead Time: 2 weeks
Integration Notes:
Battery should have access to constant airflow during use and during charging. Charge and discharge power and current rating is limited by the amount of airflow over the battery during use. Cell skin temperature must remain below 70C during use
Electrical Specifications:
Nominal Voltage: 20.4V
Capacity: 32400mAh
Watt Hours: 660.96Wh
Constant Discharge Power: 1875W, Airflow Determined
Constant Discharge Current: 90A, Airflow Determined
Burst Current: 150A for 10 seconds, Airflow Determined
Charge Rate:
- 25A Nominal 50A, Airflow Determined
Voltage Maximums:
- Max voltage: 25.2V pack, 4.2V per cell
- Min voltage: 15.3V pack, 2.55V per cell
- Land voltage: 16.5V pack, 2.75V per cell
Mechanical Specifications:
Cell: Amprius SA08
Configuration: 6s3p
Energy Density Specs:
- Weight: (±4g) 1971.6g
- Cell Energy Density: 360Wh/kg
- Pack Energy Density: 335Wh/kg
- Pack Power Density: 932W/kg
- Pack Volume: 1092.0cm^3
- Pack Volumetric Density: 0.594Wh/cm^3
- Balance Plug: JST-XH-7P, 22AWG
- Discharge Plug: XT60 or XT90, 12AWG or 10AWG
Dimensions: 15.4 x 15.6 x 5.2cm, LWH
Maximum Cell Temperature Range:
- -20C/0F - 70C/165F